Tamil Nadu: Teachers say will end strike if CM assures equal pay

Members of TN part-time teachers association staging a protest in front of DPI office in the city on Monday

Tamil Nadu: Teachers say will end strike if CM assures equal pay

Secondary Grade Seniority Teachers’ Association leader J Robert, asserted that their hunger strike would continue until their demands were met and if they got word from the CM.

CHENNAI:  The office-bearers of Secondary Grade Seniority Teachers’ Association and two other unions on Monday held talks with School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh on their long-term demands including equal pay for equal work.  

Talking to reporters after the first round of talks, J Robert, state general secretary of the association said Monday’s talks with the minister had given new hope and that they were awaiting an assurance from Chief Minister MK Stalin on their key demand for equal pay for equal work.  However, he asserted that their hunger strike would continue until their demands were met and if they got word from the CM, immediately, they would return to work. 

Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu Private Schools Parents Teachers Association president ANS Prasad, in a statement, urged Stalin to hold talks with the striking secondary grade teachers to resolve the issue immediately. He said the anomalies in the pay structure had caused huge unrest among the teachers and the continued strike would affect the students.

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