Kerala Police arrested six students for sticking pro-Palestine posters outside a Starbucks outlet.

Kerala Police arrested six students for sticking pro-Palestine posters outside a Starbucks outlet.

Pro-Palestine Poster Incident: Six Students Arrested and Released on Bail in Kerala

Kozhikode, Kerala: Six students from Farook College found themselves in legal trouble after being arrested by the Kerala Police for pasting pro-Palestine posters outside a Starbucks outlet in the Kozhikode district. The incident, which occurred on January 4, led to the students’ release on bail following their arrest.

Chronology of Events:

On the mentioned date, students affiliated with Kozhikode’s Farook College reportedly affixed posters outside the Starbucks outlet with messages advocating for a “Free Palestine” and cautioning about contents that may fund genocide. The action was met with a complaint from the outlet’s staff, prompting Kerala Police to take action.

Legal Implications:

Subsequently, a case was registered against the six students under sections 427, 448, and 153 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). These sections pertain to charges related to mischief causing damage, trespassing, and promoting enmity between different groups, respectively.

Association with Fraternity Movement:

The arrested students are said to be affiliated with the Fraternity Movement, which serves as the student wing of the Welfare Party of India. The political and social orientation of the group likely played a role in their pro-Palestine activism.

Posters and Political Statements:

The posters displayed outside the Starbucks outlet reflected the ongoing global discourse surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict. The messages conveyed a stance in favor of Palestine’s freedom while also drawing attention to the potential funding of genocide.

Legal Resolution:

Following their arrest, the six students were later released on bail, allowing them to resume their normal activities. The incident highlights the intersection of political activism, freedom of expression, and legal boundaries in the context of global issues.

As the legal proceedings unfold, this incident serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics surrounding political statements and the fine line between expressing opinions and potential legal ramifications.

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