Nirmala Sitharaman, Parliament, Manmohan Singh,

Nitrmala Sitharaman earlier said the aim "was to draw lessons from the mismanagement of those years".

Comparative Analysis of UPA and Modi Era Takes Center Stage as Manmohan Singh Concludes Rajya Sabha Tenure

A comprehensive review of the policies implemented during the UPA and Modi governments is set to unfold today in the Lok Sabha, with Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presenting a White Paper. This move aims to scrutinize the past decade of governance, focusing on various sectors such as industrial growth, manufacturing, MSME, automobile, and services. Coinciding with this analysis is the conclusion of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Rajya Sabha tenure.

The White Paper is expected to critically assess the functioning of the government during Manmohan Singh’s leadership, particularly addressing allegations of policy paralysis in the UPA years. Renowned for his role in liberalization as the finance minister under former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao, Manmohan Singh is credited by the Congress for unprecedented economic growth during his tenure.

The comparative analysis between the UPA and Modi eras will emphasize the resilience of the Indian economy and its ability to withstand international economic challenges. The White Paper will delve into aspects such as ease of living, inclusive growth, and insights from the industry.

Sources suggest that the government’s decision to undertake this analysis stems from positive feedback on the Indian economy from international monetary funds and institutions. The prevailing consensus is that India stands out as a beacon of economic strength amidst global uncertainties.

In response, the Congress has countered with a “Black Paper,” criticizing the government’s alleged failure to provide employment figures and accusing discrimination against states. Opposition leader Mr. Kharge accused the government of perpetually targeting the Congress and questioned the absence of discussions on issues like price rise, unemployment, and economic inequality.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, however, praised Manmohan Singh earlier in the day, acknowledging his inspirational role in the parliamentary process. Despite ideological differences, PM Modi highlighted Singh’s significant contributions to the House and the country, emphasizing that Singh would be remembered for his guidance and leadership during various democratic discussions.

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