Body of missing poet Gboyega Odubanjo recovered, Bad Betty Press condemns police

Photograph of poet Gboyega Odubanjo.

Body of missing poet Gboyega Odubanjo recovered, Bad Betty Press condemns police

Police officers made the discovery shortly before 9am on Thursday, August 31, in the course of a specialised search of the area, a statement issued by the police said.

The body of young poet Gboyega Odubanjo, who went missing on August 27, has been recovered, Northamptonshire police said.

“Police officers made the discovery shortly before 9 am on Thursday, August 31, in the course of a specialised search of the area, a statement issued by the police said.

MailOnline quoting Gboyega’s best friend Tice Cin, 28, said on Wednesday his disappearance is ‘extremely out of character.’

She said: ‘It’s extremely out-of-character and totally unlike him to not get in touch.

‘Crucially, he always rings his mum every day when he’s away at a festival. And he was meant to be back for his dad’s birthday today. They’re a very close-knit family,’ the report said.

Meanwhile, poets and friends of Odubanjo slammed Shambala Festival for not mentioning the name of the young poet while celebrating the festival as “great” on social media.

They also slammed the Northamptonshire police for passing the awful news about the poet’s death via the phone.

In the statement issued by the police, Detective Chief Inspector Johnny Campbell said: “Our thoughts are with the man’s family at this very difficult time, and we would ask the media and members of the public to not contact them and respect their privacy.

Meanwhile, in a condolence message, Bad Betty Press said, “We are utterly heartbroken at the tragic, untimely and avoidable death of our beloved friend, colleague and incomparable poet, Gboyega Odubanjo.”

An editor at Bad Betty Press and the poetry magazine Bath Magg, Gboyega gave support and mentorship to many developing artists; his contribution within the poetry community was invaluable, as was his friendship, the statement said.

It further added, “It is bitterly painful and disturbing that his death was allowed to happen, at a small and ostensibly family-friendly festival. It is confounding that we, his family and friends, were told repeatedly by Northamptonshire Police that an extensive search was underway –including searches of the lake, in which he was not found for several days.” 

“That we were discouraged from undertaking our own searches. That the news was broken without consultation with Gboyega’s family –robbing them of the chance to tell loved ones with due care. That the issued statements claims there were ‘no suspicious circumstances’ surrounding the death. We are broken and bewildered,” the statement said.

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