Chennai stabbing, BJP functionary's husband, CCTV footage

Chennai Stabbing Caught on CCTV

Brutal Attack on BJP Women’s Wing Functionary’s Husband in Chennai Caught on CCTV

In a shocking incident, the husband of a BJP women’s wing functionary suffered grievous injuries after being chased and repeatedly stabbed by a gang in Chennai. The brutal attack took place on Friday and was captured on CCTV.

The footage shows Srinivasan, the husband of BJP women’s wing functionary Nadhiya, being pursued by four men in Anna Nagar. The gang overpowered Srinivasan, and one of the attackers repeatedly stabbed him with a sharp weapon, believed to be a sickle, as horrified onlookers watched.

After the attack, the assailants fled the scene in an auto-rickshaw, leaving Srinivasan severely wounded. He was quickly admitted to a private hospital where he is currently undergoing treatment.

Videos of the attack and the gang’s escape went viral, prompting the Nolambur police to take swift action. They identified the attackers as Prashant, Prakash, Srinivasan, Saravanan, Rajesh, and Ganesan, who later surrendered. Attempted murder charges have been filed against them.

Initial investigations suggest the attack stemmed from personal enmity related to a murder Srinivasan was reportedly involved in several years ago. In a twist to the case, two other men from Sowcarpet attempted to surrender and take the blame for the attack, but the police uncovered their attempt to mislead the investigation.

This incident has raised serious concerns about public safety and the prevalence of violent retributions in personal disputes. Authorities are continuing their investigation to ensure all those responsible are brought to justice.

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