Cyclone Fani | Live updates: Suresh Prabhu asks airport authorities to stay alert

The cyclone is expected to make landfall today at 5.30 p.m.

Cyclone Fani, a severe cyclonic storm, is expected to make landfall at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2019 on the eastern coast of the country. The State governments in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha have begun making arrangements for evacuation and shelter.

More than 8 lakh people are being evacuated in Odisha.

2.30 p.m.

Suresh Prabhu asks airport authorities to stay alert

All authorities concerned have been alerted so that they are ready to deal with cyclone Fani, Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu said on Thursday.

“Alerted all concerned to be ready to deal with Cyclone Fani. Airport Authority of India issued alert to all coastal airports to ensure all precautions, SOPs (standard operating procedures) put in place immediately,” Mr. Prabhu tweeted.

The people of Vizianagaram, which has been facing severe drought and acute shortage of drinking water, are looking forward to the cyclone. Vizianagaram city faces an unprecedented water crisis. The city gets only 15 million litres per day as against the requirement of 45 MLD for a population of four lakh people.

Almost all rivers, including the Champavati, the Jhanjhavati, tributaries and tanks, have dried up.

People are wholeheartedly welcoming the severe cyclonic storm which will bring huge rainfall, although nature’s fury is expected to create havoc in some parts of the district.

“Cyclone is a blessing in disguise for the people of Vizianagaram. Groundwater may get recharged with the expected rainfall in couple of days. Apartment-dwellers who depend on groundwater mostly are eagerly waiting for downpour,” said D.S.P. Lingam, a resident of Cantonment.

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